0208 366 4333

Share A Coffee, Change A Life

A takeaway coffee is a little luxury in life, for your commute, when you’re out shopping or when you just need something to keep your hands warm. It’s the ‘pick-me-up’ you need (and deserve!). For The Nightingale, a cup of coffee is a lifeline. A chance to relax and take comfort when you first walk through our doors, a chance to open up to your counsellor about how you’re really feeling, a chance to laugh with new friends at the Coffee Club. You could say our centre runs on tea and coffee!

When was the last time a cup of tea or coffee changed your life? Maybe it never has. At The Nightingale, we can genuinely say, each and everyday a cup of tea or coffee changes a client’s life.  Knowing the impact that a simple cup of coffee can have in our centre, could you skip one of your bog standard, non-life changing take-away coffees per month and donate it to one of our clients?

One coffee per month, over the course of the next year, will connect us with 34 people in need of help and a cup of coffee.

We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone, no matter if you share a short, tall, grande or venti with us, all sizes make a huge and drastic difference to the lives of those affected by cancer.

Click here to share a life changing coffee with The Nightingale

It’s unsurprising that the average Brit will drink 676 cups of coffee per year, so you can imagine how often we pop on the kettle and go on a milk run. You don’t have to be a skilled barista to make a great cup of Joe at home, but it helps to know a few tricks of the trade. Here are our top tips for that perfect, first sip ‘Ahhhhh’ moment

Our at-home coffee brewing tips

Keep It Tight

To keep your coffee fresh, try and store it in an air tight container or a mason jar. You want to keep the oxygen out to preserve the flavour. Also, avoid freezing your coffee, as there’s a chance it could absorb moisture, affecting the taste.

Spice It Up

If you’re wanting to experiment, you don’t need fancy syrups, you’ll find you already have top flavour additions at home. Stir in a square of chocolate or add some vanilla extract for a sweet taste. Or sprinkle a spice on top, cinnamon and nutmeg are great in the winter months.

Some Like It Hot, But Not Too Hot

Water that is too hot will make the coffee taste bitter. The perfect water temperature for brewing is 200·F or if you’re using a kettle, wait 45 seconds after a full boil. Also, don’t reheat your coffee once made, as that can make it bitter too!

Water, Water, Everywhere

98.5% of a coffee is just water! So it’s safe to say it’s a pretty important ingredient. Rather than using tap water, try using water from a filter like a Brita or from the fridge. If you’re using bottled don’t use distilled as the water needs some minerals in it.

To share just one coffee a month with The Nightingale click here.