Rise To The Challenge
Whether you organise the challenge of a lifetime and just want to have fun with friends why not think of The Nightingale.
There are many challenges you can take part in throughout the year. Whatever you do, we’re on hand to help you with training advice, fundraising kits and motivation before the big day.
Each year we have spaces for The London Marathon, The Brighton Marathon and The Triffic Trail all incredible feats for you to challenge yourself. But of course those aren’t the only challenges available. Some people have taken part in Tough Mudder, abseiled down the ArcelorMittal Orbit or climbed mountains.
Don’t just raise your heart rate, raise money for The Nightingale too.
We’re here for anyone that takes up a challenge on our behalf. Our Fundraising and Marketing teams are on hand to help with ideas, fundraising tools and material you need to let everyone know the who, what, where, when and why of your challenge.

Take on Tough Mudder, the world’s best obstacle course with a 5k or all night long run. Great for team building AND muscle building.

You don’t have to be dressed like Batman to run the London Marathon! Or any marathon, half marathon or 5k! Walk, run or skip to the finish line.

“I ran the Virtual London Marathon in 2021. It was the most incredible (and tough) experience. I’m so glad I pushed myself to do this as it’s the ultimate challenge and so rewarding. Crossing the makeshift finish line was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Though once I sat on that step in the picture it took me a while to stand back up! I would definitely recommend doing the marathon and knowing the money I raised went to such an incredible cause definitely helped me in those last few difficult miles.” – Lucy, Marketing and Communications Officer

“The Nightingale has been a lifeline to me over the years and I saw the swim challenge as an opportunity to get fit while, at the same time, achieving something that will make a difference to others who might go through the same thing that I did.” – Sue, Nightingale Client