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Welcome to the Autumn 2024 edition of The Nightingale Newsletter.

This time of year is busy for all staff and volunteers at The Nightingale. You will see on page 10 that our annual Night Hike is coming up on Friday 17th May as well as page 11 showing our other upcoming events. I truly believe there’s something for everyone, plants, golf, dancing and fashion.  

Over the last three years, you, our supporters, have helped grow the Night Hike by over 60% and this year proves to be no exception. It is both an exciting and heartwarming event that truly gets the whole community involved. I do hope I see you there. 

As a cancer support centre, we fully understand that everyone’s abilities are vastly different. We know that not everyone is able to walk the Night Hike but they still want to support the important work we do. Our Fundraiser Spotlight on page 8 highlights just a few of our many fundraisers and showcases that you can get involved in supporting and fundraising for The Nightingale in a way that is best suited to you.  

On the next page our Services Team have some impressive stats for you. I won’t spoil them but it’s safe to say that they have been very busy indeed and it doesn’t look as if they are slowing down, introducing two more services to the ever-growing list we provide.  

One of our services has always been seen as controversial. Reiki. Many find it difficult to understand the benefits of Reiki, let alone the benefits for someone with cancer. Though it seems polarising, many find both physical and mental relief in our 6 week course. We dive a little deeper into what Reiki is and how it can be beneficial on page 12.  

I’m sure you have all seen the recent diagnosis of King Charles and the Princess of Wales and the rise in news coverage of cancer. We find that when a high-profile person is diagnosed with cancer there is usually a rise in cancer screenings.  

Considering this, we wanted to remind you all to attend your regular check-ups and if you notice a change in your body that is new or unusual for you, get it checked by your GP. 

It is incredibly brave for the royal family to share their cancer diagnosis with the public but it is because they are royal that it is brave. Sharing your story while going through a lifechanging illness is extremely difficult. On page 18 Alastair, a Nightingale counsellor, bravely shares his story of being a cancer counsellor and a cancer patient at the same time.  

We have 600 more clients, just like Alastair, just like King Charles, just like the Princess of Wales going through their own journey and each and every one of them brave. 

2024 is bringing many new things for The Nightingale. We are currently working with the Errol McKellar Foundation (page 6), Hudson & Kemp (page 14), the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation (page 16) and Craftworks (page 17), with more collaborations to come.

Remember we are always here to help, whether for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat, a meeting with one of our counsellors or for a relaxing complementary therapy.

Nightingale Newsletter Spring 2024