You’ve done the hard part, now leave the rest to us
It’s incredibly difficult to ask for help, especially when you don’t know what help you need. Life after a cancer diagnosis is filled with uncertainties and unknowns, it’s easy to get lost in it all and lose yourself.
That’s why we’re here. Our mission is simple; to improve the quality of your life by helping you cope with and come to terms with a cancer diagnosis. Cancer support isn’t one size fits all, so neither are our services. We will work with you to make sure you get the help you need for as long as you need.
Discover our range of emotional, physical and practical support
We are so glad you’ve found us and have been brave enough to recognise that you need help. You’re no longer alone.
We encourage you to get in touch in whatever way you prefer; you can pop your details below, give us a call on 020 8366 4333 or email our Head of Services at
We’ll give you a call in the next week and arrange an Initial Assessment (which is more like a chat!) where we’ll talk about your individual circumstances, cancer treatment, any concerns you have and what support you’re looking for.
No question is too big or small, no worry too overwhelming or insignificant. No isn’t at the top of our vocabulary. Even though we don’t have all the answers, we will do our best to find them.
We’ll see you soon