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Night Hike for The Nightingale
by Howie Ross, The Edmonton Rotary Club

On Friday the 19th May at 7.30pm 750 hikers set-off from Enfield Civic Centre for this annual event to raise money for The Nightingale Cancer Support. Quite number of children took part in this event. A sudden deluge of rain, just before the start, didn’t dampen proceedings, which was thankfully followed by dry & clear weather. “Hikers” had 3 choices 5, 10 & 15 km routes. Each marshal & each participant were supplied with a goody bag donated by the Nightingale.

Once again, The Rotary Club of Edmonton, with 7 Volunteer Fellows assisted in marshalling two of the many checkpoints on the way, namely Christine Hollidge, Pat Clark, Chandu Patel, Nick South, Iain Langridge, Randolph Gumbs, & myself Howie Ross. We set-up our pennants, donned our Hi-Viz vests and waited at our first marshal point located at the Top of Green Dragon Lane near mini-roundabout junction with Worlds End Lane & Eversley Park Road. This was only about 3km into the route, so we only actually saw the 10 & 15k route hikers.

The first “hiker” appeared at around 7.45pm (he was running it). Gradually over the next hour all the “hikers” passed us by, there were people of all ages including children, some in wheelchairs, many in fancy dress with flashing deeply boppers (supplied in the goody bags) & several people that we knew. One hiker was pulling a trolley rigged up with a bluetooth speaker, a “Mobile Disco” so to speak.

Our 2nd Marshalling point was outside The Priory on Bourne Hill in Southgate just ahead of the 9km mark. Lots of familiar faces passed by again including our very own Rotarian Sally Minks. Many did stop for photographs this time.

There were not as many hikers here, as we were marshalling the 15km route. Around 10 pm a couple of Nightingale representatives advised us that all hikers on that route had passed by. So we packed up and returned home.

I understand that Sally completed the 15km in 2 hr. 44 min. Well done Sally and everybody that participated, transported & marshalled for the event, which has raised over £63,000.

Following week we have pleasure of inviting Nick Jacobs, CEO and Lucy McGinn, Marketing Manager of the Nightingale to our Fellowship Lunch Meeting. The Club donated £300 as our contribution to The Nightingale.