0208 366 4333

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer back in September 2017. At the time I could remember feeling like the loneliest person in the world.

Everything that was outlined to me thereafter seemed to be communicated in slow motion.

The following days and weeks after receiving the diagnosis were spent researching what it meant to have prostate cancer and at the same time being spellbound at the prospect of sharing the news with family and close friends.

Eventually, I began to come to terms with the diagnosis and started to prepare for the treatment. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, the treatment plan I though I was going to have did not happen. At this stage, disillusionment, panic, fear and a raft of mixed emotions we beginning to take their toll on me. I was annoyed, angry and bitter that this illness had taken residence inside me.

In January 2018, four months after my initial diagnosis, my treatment began with surgery. Since surgery, I continue to have my PSA levels checked and I am extremely pleased that my levels have continually reduced.

My medical journey was not well, however, I was struggling psychologically with my rehabilitation. I felt I would benefit from some external support and contacted a local service. After a one hour telephone assessment, they advised me that whilst they could help me, the earliest I could access their service would be approximately 18 months. I needed help at that moment and knew I could not wait 18 months.

The Nightingale was recommended to me and from my initial encounter with them to the current time (and hopefully in the future) I have felt supported.

I will always be grateful to every single member of staff for the caring, politeness and respect shown at a very difficult time in my life.

I first attended the centre on the 14th of February 2019, and I connected straight away with their staff member who was a vey experienced cancer nurse. Since then, I have benefitted from a range of services including counselling, complementary therapies, exercise classes, mindfulness and attending the Prostate Group.

In summary, there will always be a place in my heart for all the staff at The Nightingale because without their support I am not sure I would be writing my story and planning how I can now help other men affected by prostate cancer.

If John’s story sounds familiar to you, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.