My Cancer Journey
My first sign of a problem was when I went to the toilet and noticed blood in my urine. My urine had always been dark as I was on medication for ulcerative colitis and dark urine was one of the side effects. This colour was different, it was definitely blood. After my shock subsided, I woke my wife to tell her. I will never forget the look on her face!
Together, we phoned the GP and made an appointment. I brought in a urine sample for testing, hoping it was just an infection. Unfortunately, whatever this was needed further investigation.
By the end of January I had an appointment at the hospital where I found out what exactly it was. They had found a tumour in my bladder. I was sent for a Turbt procedure (Trans Urethral Removal of Bladder Tumour) where they scrape the tumour away and send it for a biopsy to see if it was cancerous.
It confirmed the worst, that I had bladder cancer.
My consultant offered two options: No.1 I have BCG, an immunotherapy drug that is pumped into your bladder over a six week period to prevent the cancer from growing. You can have this treatment over again and again but the success rate wasn’t brilliant. No. 2 I have a complete bladder removal. Although this would be more life changing, the success rate was more encouraging.
I just wanted the cancer out of my body and decided upon a bladder removal. Also, my consultant thought this was the best option for me.
Nearly three months after I had found blood in my urine I underwent the operation to have my bladder removed and spent a week in hospital. I had an ostomy bag fitted and while in hospital was shown how to change it. Naturally I had a few accidents as it’s not the most ideal situation but now I am used to it, it allows me a fairly reasonable quality of life.
The cancer was bad enough but there were also some terrible side effects including blood clots on my lungs and legs.
During the operation my prostate and lymph nodes in this area were removed, which led to me having lymphoedema, a long term condition that causes swelling in the body’s tissues.
I attended the NHS Lymphoedema clinic hosted at The Nightingale Centre which helps treat lymphoedema through skin care, exercise and compression garments. For the treatment I have to wear thigh length stockings (lovely!). My wife says I look like Max Wall!
My lymphoedema appointments is how I got in touch with The Nightingale and became a client with them. I started with massage and reflexology which were (and still are) marvellous! All of the therapists are just brilliant.
My biggest fear during this time was my family. I was especially worried about my wife; she seems to worry about everything. I tried Mindfulness. I’ll be honest, I couldn’t really get to grips with it but Lucy is so dedicated to her profession and she really encouraged me to try different coping methods. Counselling has also helped me. Although Steve has a serious problem with Fred Perry shirts!
The staff at The Nightingale are some of the nicest, kindest, considerate people I have had the pleasure to meet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The Nightingale is a service I wish I had never had to use but in my situation I am so please I have it.
All the services I’ve used have really helped me get through on my cancer journey. I definitely recommend people to use The Nightingale’s services. As I said, I found the Mindfulness difficult to get to grips with but the centre allows you to cherry pick what you think will be good for you and in this way the help they provide is tailored for each individual.
I’m happy that I am now back gardening, decorating, DIY but can’t work for long now, though age is also a factor there. I’m looking to do one of The Nightingale’s exercise classes next and increase my fitness even more.