How Does Reiki Help With Cancer
First things first, it’s pronounced ray-key, for those unsure (very much like us).
Now that we’ve covered that, what exactly is Reiki and why do so many cancer support centres provide it as a treatment?
Well, Reiki is a holistic therapy that involves a practitioner placing their hands on, or just above, your body to help direct energy to any area that needs clearing, support or healing.
The aim is to change and balance your ‘energy fields’ in and around your body.
Reiki focusses on helping your body’s progression on three levels – physically, mentally and spiritually.
Whether you feel a tingling sensation or nothing at all during your session, you will be sure to feel the benefits once you leave. Sessions can help to remedy many common health issues, such as:
- Alleviating stress and anxiety
- Encouraging deeply relaxed feelings
- Improving how you cope with difficult situations
- Strengthening your immune system
- Increasing your sense of wellbeing and joy
- Minimising emotional and physical pain
Clients have reported reduced side effects of chemotherapy whilst receiving Reiki as well as helping them face the demands of living with a life-threatening illness.
After rushing to doctors appointments and the stress of treatment, it can also be incredibly relaxing when someone gives you non-medical attention, in a calm setting.
It is also beneficial for carers, with one study finding that after a six week course of Reiki carers found that caregiving was less stressful.
We have found that Reiki is the marmite of complementary therapies – you either love it or you hate it and that’s OK. Not all of our services will be for everyone but we do encourage you to try it and see the benefits for yourself.
If you think reiki would benefit your physical and mental health fill out our Support Form today